Insurance for Terrorism & Sabotage

Who's it for?

Companies who want to protect their property assets against damage and related costs caused by terrorism or sabotage incidents. The only property types where we have limited underwriting appetite are airports, embassies, federal government buildings, metropolitan transport and sports stadiums.

What does it cover?

  • Damage to property
  • Damage to contents
  • Loss of rental income
  • Business interruption

Why is it needed?

  • The Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA) requires the Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of State and Attorney General all to declare that an event is an act of terrorism before coverage applies. The TRIPRA loss will not be certified unless the insured aggregate losses exceed $5,000,000 and the TRIPRA backstop is not triggered unless the aggregate loss exceeds $100,000,000. These requirements do not apply for this policy and it has its own clear definitions of acts of terrorism and sabotage.
  • Highly competitive rates, especially in the major cat exposed states.
  • Nil deductible quoted as standard.
  • Very attractive commissions available.
  • Single or multiple locations under one policy.
  • Simple, streamlined application process. To obtain a T&S quote send a copy of the Statement of Values (SoV) by email to
  • Online quoting facility available for portfolios of business.

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